Configure Your Build

1. Open the Build Pane


Figure: From Team Explorer choose Builds


2. Create a new build definition


Figure: Click on the New Build Definition link


3. Enter build definition name “AdamS.MembershipSample.CI”
(CI for Continuous Integration)

4. On the Trigger tab choose ‘Continuous Integration’


5. On the Source Settings tab remove any unwanted Source Control folders

Figure: Remove any items that do not apply to your project (sometimes items from other solutions will appear in this list – remove them)


6. On the Process tab, ensure that the solution is being built


7. Save the Build

Configure Build Notifications

1. Run the Visual Studio Build Notification application.

From C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\BuildNotificationApp.exe


2. Select the build


Figure: Select the Build that you just created and click OK

Start a Build

Figure: Go to Team Explorer | Builds. Right click on the Build and choose Queue New Build



Figure: When the build is complete, you will get a green or red icon indicating the status.