Testing an IIS Express app from an IE 8 VM on my Macbook
I am running Windows 8 and Visual Studio on my Mac using Parallels.
The project I am currently working on is configured to use IIS Express, but I want to test it using a VM that contains IE8.
As it turns out this was quite simple to setup.
1. Download the VM from http://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=11575 or http://www.modern.ie/en-gb/virtualization-tools
2. Open the VM using Parallels (File, New, Add Existing Virtual Machine).
3. Change the Windows 8 VM and the VM containing IE8 to both obtain their own IP addresses from the local WiFi router.
Virtual Machine | Configure | Hardware | Network. Change type to WiFi
4. Change the configuration of the web application to use the Windows 8 VMs IP Address
e.g. change it from http://localhost:63527/ to
5. Edit the binding in your IIS host config file
(You can find it in %userprofile%\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config )
Find the entry for your application and change it from from
6. Disable windows firewall on the Windows 8 machine.
7. Run Visual Studio as Administrator and run the application. It will now be accessible from the IE8 Virtual Machine.